First of all I want to say that there is no any english word that will exactly explain the meaning of Turkish word “Kokorec” . Its a Turkish food made of intestine of lambs and usually sell by street vendors. Delicious and tastes really different.
The first Model kit & Object contest of EFES PİLSEN beer company named “Cut & Paste, Fold & Compress” was first created in year 2006 and I joined to the second one made in year 2007. I attented to this contest just to show my ability and creativeness in making model kits. The aim of this contest was to design a model kit or an object by ourselves by using just the Efes Pilsen brand items like beer can, beer bottle, stickers or cup holders and etc… Using of other Drink brands were not but items such as plastics, metals, glass, cable, rope and many many others were allowed to combine with Efes Pilsen items together. While I was thinking “how I can bring all these items together to make up a model kit?” I suddenly realized that a big size beer can is very suitable to make up a Kokorec Stand.
How a Kokorec Stand looks like? To show you the stand I added pictures of it. Hope it gives you a little a little information
Street Kokorec vendors usually use this kind of a steel mobile car.
From the shape of the beer can I decided to make a complete and well detailed car like you see in the picture. As a name I put “Meşhur Vahap Usta Kokoreççisi” which is mostly use by sellers.The model kit finished in 2 months. I observed as many cars as possible. Where they put tomatoes, pepper, salt, napkins, bread and other items.. These were details but important for me to have a realistic look in my model.
Everyday I added new items and I enjoyed a lot during this process. Also what kind of objects we see around the Kokorec car and how they take place together ? Kokorec seller, tables, stools, waste basket, name plate……. I drew a lot of combinations. According to me the most difficult part of making such a model kit or object is you dont have the original one infront of you. You look up the original car or pictures but during the process you are alone with your imagination. You are doing the car or the kit according to the picture you draw in your mind.
While I was making this model kit I used as many materials as possible such as stickers, rubber bands, plastics, car bulb, cassette player parts and so many others to show how a model can be done with combining different materials together.
This is the first model I have made in terms of creativity. The best feeling experienced with this model is to watch the model after it is finished and to share it with your loved ones. The pleasure taken during the awards ceremony and to see your model at different websites is much better.
This is the original beer can after I cut of the top part of it. In order to have a same shape Kokorec stand the beer can must have 2 same parts on left and right. I mean I used a second can and cut its down part to add the first one.
After cutting the top side of the can, I add the 2. bottom part inside of the can and bended the small metal parts on it. By this way the beer can had 2 same parts on each side.
To make an openable cover I cut the half part of the can
As you can see I placed the cover part inside of the can. It can be display open or closed depending to your plans.
o keep the stand in a horizontal position I cut of a styrene part tu put under the can.
As you can see the can is placed in a horizontal position just like the real car.
he Efes Pilsen cartoon logo is placed just on the middle of the stand .
This is the place where seller burns the coal to cook the Kokorec. Its made of Styrene (Steel on original)
reads are made of dough. Painted and Varnished to keep for a long time.
Dileyen 1 dileyen yarım ekmek Kokoreç yesin
This is a happy cat. After eating Kokorec she decided to sleep in her wooden bed. Mostly you can see cats around Kokorec stands. They wait for someone to feed them with Kokorec
A stool made of a beer bottle cap and electric cable.
A table made of circle shape cup holder. A plastic beer bottle (similar to real shape), a glass, vase with flowers inside, napkin box and a half bread of Kokorec.
A wall poster of Turkish movie actor “Sadri Alışık”. A waste basket, broom and a dustpan.
Broom is made of thick electric cable and toothbrush, dustpan is made of beer can and the waste basket is made of deodorizer cap.
The drawer of the car is full with breads. The pan (cap of the bottle ) on the wooden cutting plate, knife, beer bottles and the electric switch on right side.
Plastic wheel taken form an old cassette player. Keeping these kind of items sometimes help me a lot. I have spare parts box and incase I need for something special I look for it.
The spice box is made of beer can and there is also a place to put the domatoes.
apkins inside the nylon bag, spice box and the salt that is made of car bulb.
Kokorecs are made of rubber band and they are attached to a metal bar. Coals placed inside and a cleaning cloth is out of the stand. .
A towel attached to the car. The seller cleans his hands with that towel. Wrapping papers are located in front of the car.
The seller was attached to another item but I cut apart him from his hands. He just looks like Kokorec seller.
The umbrella of the car is made of a simple radio antenna, beads, fabric and Q-tips.
This is a well known Turkish wall graffiti. It’s forbidden to throw your garbage here. (Throw it to the basket)
To work at night he needs a light source. I also attached it to the car. Works with 9 v. battery placed inside the car.
I soldered a wire to the bottle cap to make it look like a pan. Inside the pan you can see small cut rubber bands. They look like Kokorec but I do not suggest you to eat them/The knife is made of tin and a wooden handle. Just behind the cutting wood you can see a mixed fiber called “Ustupu” in Turkish. Its used to clean around. It absorbs the oil and other dirts easily.
Red pepper, thyme and wrinkled tomatoes. Tomatoes were fresh when I first took them from a plant.
We have plants here that have small and red seeds that look like tomatoes.
An umbrella with company logos.
A mat to step on. Its the material to put under heavy objets to keep them steady where they are. We call it duck tape.
A modern design table fits the model
Battery inside the car. Its placed behind the door.
A simple but useful dustpan
We have home and office delivery /You can see the menu and price list.
This seller thinks of all. Here is your table menu. Choose what you prefer
And I won this award. 2007 year 1. Place model “Meshur Vahap usta Kokoreccisi”